This page will generate 24 random flashcards containing TKD related English words or phrases that you can test your knowledge of the phonetic Korean equivalent. A simple click on the flashcard will reveal the phonetic Korean equivalent of the English phrase or word. Clicking on the Randomize Flashcards button will generate 24 random flashcards. Clicking on the Sequential Flashcards button will generate the Flashcards in the order they were created.
- Side KickYup Cha Gee
- EarthGeongwea
- MasterSa Boo Nim
- Octobershi wul
- FourNet
- Februaryee wul
- One Step Sparringil Soo Shik
- CompassionOhn Jung
- Julychil wul
- OneHah Nah
- RelaxShee Ah
- Front Snap KickOp Cha Gee
- Thank YouCam Sah Ham Nee Da
- Self ControlJa Jeh
- High Round House KickOr Gul Dole Ya Cha Gee
- ObedienceSoong Jung
- UniformDoeboke
- Back KickDeet Cha Gee
- Blue Half of the Circle on the Korean Flag / FemaleUm
- SixYah Sut
- FlagGook Gee
- MoonGamgwea
- ThreeSet
- Ready StanceJune Bee